
我們將於工作日處理並寄送星期一至星期五17:00(GMT + 8)之間的訂單。星期五17:00 之後至星期日以及主要節慶假期的訂單將於下一個工作日才能完成。(basiner工作日:一~五 13:00-18:30)


1.超商取貨 /付款(7-11/全家 )



2) 對於預購商品(待補商品的訂單將作為預購商品處理),可於每個商品頁上找到估計發貨日期。預購時必須完成付款流程以確認保留您的預訂資格。在預購期間,您可能會獲得預購折扣或隨附的免費禮物。 所有產品將於到貨後以全價販售。

3) 對於多項商品的訂單,如果其中混有現貨及預購商品,我們將等待所有商品到貨後方能處理並寄送您的訂單。您也可以聯絡我們要求分開寄送,但可能需支付額外的運費。

4) 每個訂單成立後,將於商品寄出時一星期內傳送一封email給您,內含包裹追蹤號碼。(如果您於一週內尚未收到確認通知,請與我們聯繫)。

5) 包裹將運送至您結帳時所提供的地址。請確保您的全名和送貨地址完整無誤,以避免運輸公司因送貨信息有誤或投遞失敗而將包裹退回給我們。 如果發生了,可以重新寄送(需額外支付一筆運輸費)。



Upon payment verification, GOLDEN RICHER Jewelry ships orders every business day, Monday through Friday. That means your purchase will be in the mail within 1-3 business days.  

For prompt and proper delivery, we kindly ask that you make sure you have correctly listed your complete and true shipping address before submitting your payment.  We are not responsible for deliveries where an incomplete or inaccurate address is provided to us.  If you are paying through Paypal, be sure that you have updated your shipping address.

- STANDARD SHIPPING: Standard Shipping (approximately 7-30 business days).

- EXPRESS:  Express Shipping Available (additional rates may apply)

- Standard International (approximately 7- 30 business days).

All applicable customs and import duties and fees, taxes and any other charges and fees are the responsibility of the customer.  We ship your package with duties and taxes unpaid", and we do not collect the VAT, duties and/or taxes and cannot predict what your particular charges may be. If your order does require these additional charges, they must be paid by you in order for your package to clear customs. Some countries may require additional fees paid Collect on Delivery (COD). These fees are paid to the local carrier and are not collected by us. GOLDEN RICHER has does not have control over what local governments charge, and does not collect this money.

By law, we must declare all items at their full price and cannot alter this amount to decrease international custom fees.
